Celtic is excited to announce Matt Barbato as the newest member of our team. Matt is a copywriter, who loves sports and getting creative with the team. We sat down with Matt and discussed his new job, the role he will play at Celtic, and his dream celebrity dinner!

Q. What are you most excited about in your new position?
I’m really excited to take everything I’ve learned throughout my journalism and marketing career and bring it to Celtic. Having written about similar industries that Celtic serves, that familiarity has made my transition here even smoother. And I’m excited to learn all about our clients and tell engaging stories that compel people to take action.
Q. What is your favorite part of working at Celtic?
Definitely the people. Everyone is extremely friendly and helped me get up to speed right away. Having so much in common with the people you work with makes it easy and exciting to come to work every day. Plus, everyone here is great at what they do, making collaboration on projects even more fun.
Q. What got you into your current position today? / What attracted you to copywriting?
I got my degree in journalism and marketing. Telling stories was something I always loved to do. I wrote for my high school newspaper just because it was fun and fell in love with writing. Originally, I started in sports journalism, but moved to marketing because I wanted to tell the stories of companies and brands. Copywriting allows me to extend boundaries and change the conversation about a product or company. It gives me a great avenue to use my creativity.
Q. Can you describe what you do in just 5 words?
Storytelling, creating, collaborating, interacting and learning
Q. If you could have one week, anywhere in the world, where would you go? And why?
Keystone, Colorado. I have been there once before and it was nothing short of amazing. Being in the mountains and nature, being able to get away for a while. Putting the phone down and just spending time in the mountains was as peaceful as it gets. And it’s a great town just outside of Breckenridge with so much to do.
Q. Do you have a favorite motivational quote or movie/TV quote?
“I don’t embrace excuses I embrace solutions” – Jon Taffer. I love the show Bar Rescue and while Taffer’s antics crack me up, this quote is a good way to live your life. Don’t pile up excuses and reasons why you can’t do something. Instead, embrace the challenge of solving your problems.
Q. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
To put a title on it, Senior Copywriter. I want to take on a leadership role at Celtic in both developing content and instilling creativity. I not only want to lead creative initiatives, but also help writers and creatives get better at what they do.
Q. If you got to sit down at the dinner table with three people, past or present, who would they be?
Bruce Springsteen. He’s my favorite rock artist, but he’s also an excellent writer. I would love to pick his brain. Derek Jeter, he’s my favorite athlete of all time and is an outstanding leader. Finally, I’d love to have a dinner with Larry David, one of the best comedy writers ever.